
10 Eco-Friendly Ways to Heat Your Home

No matter where you live, heating costs can rise beyond your means, especially during the chilly months, leaving you in a dilemma. Another painful part is that most traditional heating solutions are unfriendly to the environment. With these life-threatening risks, it’s unsurprising that many people look for cheap, eco-friendly ways to heat their homes. Traditional heating methods heavily rely on fossil fuels- natural gas, oil, and coal-which are costly to extract from their sources.

Why Is Sea-Level Rise A Problem?


Out of the 250 million people living by the coast globally, only less than 5 million are above sea level. Unfortunately, the global sea level has continued rising over the last century, and the rate has only increased in recent years. This rise in sea levels means that destructive storm surges will continue pushing further inland than ever before, resulting in frequent flooding.