
How Does Noise Pollution Affect the Environment? (Including Practical Solutions)

Noise pollution is an invisible enemy that negatively impacts millions of people and the environment daily. According to the World Health Organization and the United States Environmental Protection Agency, it’s one of the most dangerous threats to our planet, Earth. Noise pollution anxiety There are numerous sources of noise pollution, from thunderclaps (exceeds 120 decibels) to siren wails (120 to 140 decibels). Other common examples are subway trains (90 to 115 decibels), power lawn mowers (90 decibels), and loud rock concerts (110 to 120 decibels).

What is Causing the Sixth Mass Extinction?

Fossil records show that over 99% of species that ever lived on the planet Earth have gone extinct. Five mass extinctions that major geologic and climatic events caused were responsible for this disastrous loss. Unfortunately, scientific evidence indicates that the sixth mass action is currently taking place. So what is causing the sixth mass extinction? Read on for what is causing this dreaded problem and expert tips on minimizing the dangers associated with it.

How to Reduce Ecological Footprint at Home?

Introduction We currently consume more resources than the Earth can produce. This is unfortunate, and we should learn how to reduce our ecological footprint at home to minimize the potential dangers with greater ease. Ecological footprint refers to the measure of the resources we consume. Remember that we would need approximately three more Earth-like planets if everyone on the Earth had the same ecological footprint as the average US citizen. Americans consume more than most people from less developed countries partly due to economic reasons.

What are the 4 Types of Wetlands?

Introduction The United States is famous for its innumerable lakes like Superior, Huron, and Michigan. However, travel folders rarely mention all the four unique wetlands that dot vast portions of the land. What are the four types of wetlands? They are marshes, swamps, bogs, and fens. Unfortunately, some people use these terms interchangeably since they don’t know this. These wetlands have several unique characteristics that curious readers and environmentalists can’t afford to miss.

What is the Biological Pump?

Introduction Scientists have underestimated the efficiency of the biological pump for centuries. A recent study from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, a US research institute dedicated to studies in the marine sciences, has revealed this. Before the industrial era, the ocean was a major producer of carbon dioxide, not a carbon sink. However, the study suggests that the ocean is currently overwhelmed and needs a savior. So, what is the biological pump?

What Does Carbon Sink Mean?

Carbon makes for an essential component of most organic matter, from deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to fossil fuels. However, too much carbon in the atmosphere is a threat to the Earth’s existence. Natural carbon sinks have been responsible for stabilizing the carbon level for years. From the early 1700s, human activity has increased the chemical in the oceans and atmosphere by over 30%. It was 275 parts per million (PPM) then, but today the value has risen to about 400 PPM.

What Are the Three Types of Biodiversity?[Explained]

Biodiversity is the most intricate and vital feature of our planet. According to a distinguished professor at Oxford University, it makes the Earth beautiful and habitable. The term originates from the phrase “biological diversity”, which refers to life at all levels on this planet. This vital field concerns varied life forms, including ecological, evolutionary, and cultural processes that help sustain life on Earth. We have three types of biodiversity. We want to pay close attention to each of them, but before that, let’s see why biodiversity is important and the elements that threaten its existence.