
10 Eco-Friendly Ways to Heat Your Home

No matter where you live, heating costs can rise beyond your means, especially during the chilly months, leaving you in a dilemma. Another painful part is that most traditional heating solutions are unfriendly to the environment. With these life-threatening risks, it’s unsurprising that many people look for cheap, eco-friendly ways to heat their homes. Traditional heating methods heavily rely on fossil fuels- natural gas, oil, and coal-which are costly to extract from their sources.

Consequences Of Overexploitation Of Natural Resources

Introduction Since the beginning of life, humans have exploited natural resources for the materials required to sustain life. That primarily includes food production and economic sustenance, although other substances are also extracted from the natural environment. However, human exploitation of natural ecosystems has long-lasting effects on the future provision of resources and other ecosystem services. Degraded ecosystems take time to recover from overexploitation, while some might never bounce back even when exploitation stops.